Sounds of Change passes on music as a tool to aid-workers, psychologists, teachers, therapists and musicians who work in locations in the world where people have become alienated from themselves and from each other.
We see our trainees as changemakers. People who use music as a means of connecting, supporting and transforming the lives of people, in places such as refugee camps, asylum-seeker centres, deprived areas and (former) war zones.
We train local professionals to use the power of music in their work with different (traumatised) focus groups.
Music speaks where words or language are a barrier.
Music is an expression of a culture, identity and offers security.
Improvising and composing music gives back a sense of control.
Making music together enables people to listen better.
Music creates a bond, bringing energy and joy.
Today Sounds of Change operates in Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, Turkey and in the Netherlands.
what we do
Our trainees discover how they can use the power of music in their work with various target groups. They learn to facilitate musical activities, to design creative workshops which feature group-improvisation and composition as part of a creative process. They also learn to integrate musical activities into other educational and psycho-social support programs to work in a trauma-sensitive way.
Our methodology is applicable in educational and psycho-social support programs. We support and guide our partner organisations in the development of their own programs, to make them more trauma-sensitive and creative.
your support matters