our projects
in 2024

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Sounds of Change trains changemakers who work in conflict areas, refugee camps and marginalised communities

This is where we work in 2024


Trauma Support Ukraine facilitates online webinars for Ukrainian teachers and psychologists, who work with adults and children in Ukraine every day. This will continue as long as participants benefit from it and feel supported by it.


In collaboration with ECHO (European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations), we train aid workers and mental health professionals in Gaziantep and Mardin.


We renewed our collaboration with the Hope Flowers School in Bethlehem. The new training program supports the school's teachers to use music and art in a trauma-sensitive way in their work with children.


One of our SOC trainers Ahmad Wafik gives weekly theater and music sessions to a group of young people in the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon. We support Ahmad's work financially.

North East Syria

In collaboration with Norwegian People's Aid, we facilitate training in Syria, close to the Turkish and Iraqi borders. We provide multiple online and on-site training courses to healthcare providers and mental health professionals.

The Netherlands

In the Netherlands we run the SOC Academy annually, for which individuals can register. We also provide workshops and training in the Netherlands.


In 2023 and before, we worked in Northeast Syria, Northern Iraq, Romania, Cyprus, Tunisia, and Ukraine (online), Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Greece and Turkey.

For more information, please visit our annual reports page and see our previous newsletters.

For updates about recent projects, please subscribe to our newsletters.
