Training in Nahr el Bared (Lebanon)

On august we conducted in co-creation with Mishwar a training for a group of Palestinian youngsters from Nahr el Bared

(literaly translated "cold stream", named after the river that runs south of the camp), a Palestinian refugee camp, 16 km north of Tripoli and founded in 1949 by the League of Red Cross Societies. The camp was a house to around 30.000 refugees in 2007.... but then there was a big clash between Fatah al-Islam militians and the Lebanese army, it lasted for 3 months and killed 400 people. Most of the inhabitants fled to the nearby Beddawi Palestinian refugee camp, and when everything cooled down, 15.000 people went back to Nahr el Bared, which is now under strict security control of the Lebanese army and under pressure of many Palestinian refugees that enter the camp after leaving Syria since the beginning of the war.

The training that will give the youngsters a way to be more meaningful in their community and it will give them a better perspective in finding a job as a teacher or facilitator. And ofcourse, it gives them a way to bring relief and joy to the children in Nahr el Bared :) <3

We finished the training with workshops for children, the trainees conducted the workshops. First we went to a Syrian refugee camp in Tel Abbas, the closest camp to the Syrian border. There is only very little available for the children in the camp; no education and no (medical) aid from NGO's. The trainees played for an hour with the children, conducting the workshops they prepared and we finished with a big parade throughout the camp. The children, the parents and the trainees were so happy.

Lucas Dols